Samaritan Ministry

Scribes and Pharisees criticized Jesus for talking to tax collectors, sinners and prostitutes, but He responded, «They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what (this) meaneth, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.»  (Mat 9.: 12,13).

For more than 15 years Victory Christian Church samaritan ministry is working with drug/alcohol addict people and their relatives.

You may probably wonder: "Why Samaritan"? Many people know the parable of the Good Samaritan – the one Jesus told his disciples. The moral of this parable was in the appeal to love not only the blood kin, but also the ones who are in need, the ones who suffer.

This is what Samaritan ministry is doing. Drug addict and alcoholics are usually considered as "lepers" in the society and many turn away from them. Young boys and girls who were once drug addict are now helping the youth who are dying, the ones who were caught in a net of dependence.  They help them by being the example and proving that there is one way out of dependence - and this way is Jesus Christ.

As of today, there are more than twenty full time resocialization centers in Ukraine. On top, there are five outpatient groups of mutual aid for drug/alcohol addict people in Kyiv. Groups take place twice a week. There are also groups aimed at supporting relatives and neighbors of the addict person. In total there are five groups - separately for mothers and wives of addict people.

Apart from that, there is a daily in-patient care center (office 12; 2, Dovzhenko str; working hours: Mon-Fri, 10.00 – 16.00) called Good Samaritan where one can get knowledgeable assistance, advice, psychological support for the HIVs positive people. According to the statistics we have developed the most effective program of "Prisoners deliverance."

By attending groups and day care center addict people do not only get their freedom, but also make new friends.

Furthermore, there is a 24-hour “line of hope” where you can call and get the information you need.

Line of Hope: +380 67 144 02 36, +380 93 149 43 18

Outpatient groups for drug addicts (Tuesday to Friday) addresses:

-” Poliot” household, 23-B Naumov General str.

- Office 12; 2,Dovzhenko, str.

- 8, Saburova str. (conference room)

- 9, Sormivska str.


Outpatient groups for alcohol addicts

Office 35; 2, Dovzhenko, str. (Thursday)

Group for mothers

Room 12; 2, Dovzhenko str. (Thursday)

8, Saburova str. (Thursday)


Groups for women

Room 12; 2, Dovzhenko str. (Thursday)

8, Saburova str. (Thursday)


Pastor Henry Madava's Facebook Victory Church Facebook VCTV - YouTube channel

The Victory Church office is located at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine

Phone: +380 44 501 69 34, +380 44 501 69 35 (fax)
E-mail: office

Mailing Address:
PO Box 53, Kyiv-01, Ukraine, 01001

Victory Church services are held at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine

Service Times:
Sunday – 12:00 PM
Wednesday – 6:30 PM

Victory Christian Church is a place for the whole family

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