Our team is a young ministry which has professional photographers along with novices and self-trained photographers.
This fact is worth mentioning as many believe that we work only with professionals who have been studying the art of photography for years.
We’d like to point out that at a time when our team was being created, there were only a couple of people being experts in photography; all the other guys were just amateurs and some of them didn't even have own cameras.
As it can be in any ministry people were coming and going but everything changed radically in the course of time.
At the present time our ministry is a team of professional photographers who are not going to stop upscaling.
There were gaps and mistakes in our ministry during these two years of ministry existence. Nevertheless, we correct our mistakes every time and we do out best to get "the best picture" as we like to call it in our midst.
To reach that we are organizing meet ups with prayers and discussions; afterwards our professionals are sharing their experience and knowledge during master classes helping us to get to a higher level in our work.
The purpose of our ministry is to give coverage to what is happening in the church as well as to highlight all the important events of Victory Christian Church through social media (and not only). All that is done to give people who see our photos a chance to dip to the fullest into the atmosphere.
There are many ministries in our church we are co-operating with and often our shooting is not limited to specific territory – there happen a lot of offsite events.
Likewise, our team takes an active part in our church life.
When we work in the God’s vineyard and do our best applying our efforts, gifts and talents - it's important to know for Whom we do all this!
When you have clear understanding that you are in the right (for you) ministry and you develop the talents God gave you, you will do your best and strive for even better results!
Photo Ministry is an amazing team and anyone who feels like it (amateur or professional) and has a desire to serve our Great Creator by his talent can join.
The scheduled Photo ministry meet up takes place ones a month - every first Sunday after the first service in our room behind the stage (on the right).
The Victory Church office is located at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 501 69 34, +380 44 501 69 35 (fax)
E-mail: office
Mailing Address:
PO Box 53, Kyiv-01, Ukraine, 01001
Victory Church services are held at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Service Times:
Sunday – 12:00 PM
Wednesday – 6:30 PM