Children`s Planet Sunday School

Childhood is a very important period of each person`s life. Seeds sown into the child`s heart will bring its fruits in adulthood.

These days, television, media and the internet offer children a lot of destructive information. But the Bible says: «Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.» (Proverbs 22:6).

Children`s Planet Sunday School is led by the team from Victory Christian Church – people who do care about the future of children of our country. It offers a special program based on Christian values and developed following a comprehensive review of age differences, psychological, emotional, and other aspects of children behavior.

Children aged between 5 and 12 years study Biblical lessons in accessible and interesting way. All tasks are introduced in the form of games, flannelgraph and puppet show for better perception of the training material.

Despite the School being called a “Sunday School”, we offer lessons on other days of the week, too. Our students are ordinary children who live in various districts of Kyiv and Kyiv region. Children`s Planet team comes to visit children in a big yellow truck with a platform equipped with everything necessary to provide training right on the street. Children sing songs, play games, receive prizes, and of course they pray and study the Word of God. Biblical lessons are clear and interesting because we use puppet shows, bright demonstration aids and theatrical performances during training activities. These meetings are held every week in four districts of Kyiv and in Kotsiubynske township.


However, the activities of Children`s Planet do not end at that! Once in three months all the children together with their parents gather at fascinating club meetings. The main goal of such meetings is to learn Biblical principles. After the training children and adults participate in various workshops, do trampolining and have fun and a good time in the GameLand.

Two times a year Children`s Planet arranges massive programs for children on the occasion of Christmas and Easter. The goal of these programs is to reveal the true meaning of these holidays to visitors with the use of the example of the main characters that teach children to be kind, friendly, polite, obedient to their parents and persistent in their studies. Every such holiday consists of an enthralling program, fascinating theatrical performance and sweets giveaway to children.



In addition, children from orphanages and specialized boarding schools of Kyiv and Kyiv region expect Children`s Planet team to visit them with their interesting program and gifts. These children require love and care in a special way, that is why they are always happy to see their friends from Children`s Planet.


The representatives of the Children`s Planet say: “The most important thing that drives us to serve the rising generation even more are those changes which we notice in children: they are becoming better, more kind and obedient. We strive to see the children who enter their life being independent, confident, full of hope and sound members of the society. Only God can provide such integrity and desire to do good.”

If you have any questions or if you want to know more about Children`s Planet activities, please
call: (044) 501-69-37, (093) 318-06-81, (068) 506-54-05,
write: planetadetey,
or visit us on social networks:


Pastor Henry Madava's Facebook Victory Church Facebook VCTV - YouTube channel

The Victory Church office is located at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine

Phone: +380 44 501 69 34, +380 44 501 69 35 (fax)
E-mail: office

Mailing Address:
PO Box 53, Kyiv-01, Ukraine, 01001

Victory Church services are held at the following address:
16 Malynska Str., Kyiv 03142, Ukraine

Service Times:
Sunday – 12:00 PM
Wednesday – 6:30 PM

Victory Christian Church is a place for the whole family

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