The last day of the Champions of the Kingdom conference. Pastor Tommy Barnett

Tommy Barnett started his closing message at the Champions of the Kingdom conference with a parable about trees that were choosing a King. The main meaning is that our integrity doesn’t depend on our title but on what we do in the Kingdom of God. 
It is not right to desire a title. The only thing that we have to look for is a possibility to serve. Make your title great with your works. 
Every time when I find a need I become very happy because I can fulfill it - pastor Tommy confessed. When you fulfill someone’s need you attract God’s attention. 
Pastor Tommy told us how he looks for an opportunity to draw attention to unwanted people. He bought a bus to bring the unwanted and abandoned people to the church. Later on he bought 4 more buses to bring people with special needs. 
Dream Center, founded by Tommy Barnett in Los Angeles serves to prostitutes, former gangsters and pimps because once Tommy Barnett understood that there is a pain in God’s heart towards the once who are considered to be dregs of society.
Paul didn’t hold onto the title of the member of senate. Moses denied his right to be considered a son of the pharaoh. Jesus denied his position of the King of Kings to serve all of us. If they all hold onto their titles, they would never fulfill their callings. 
The Servants are remembered, not the titles. 
All the people who were successful in the Kingdom of God gave all of them to the ministry. They did not look for titles, power. They didn’t give up. 
Why to live if you can’t serve your generation? 

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