The 2nd day of the conference: Pastor Tommy Barnett. With a nature like ours...

Tommy Barnett, unique minister who turned eighty (!), prior to beginning his sermon, mentioned that he had been preaching the Gospel for already 68 years that was about 16 thousand sermons! And today he is here with a word from God, which "is meant for this day and for this place."
James 5:17-18 says that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, but in the power of God he was like God Himself. Was Elijah perfect or ideal? No, he wasn’t! He had his weaknesses and limitations such as many other Lord's anointed people, whose life experiences are described in the Bible: Peter once denied Jesus; Moses hit the rock with his staff, instead of just speaking to it...
Tommy Barnett has witnessed similar situations happening to the great "Generals of God" throughout his ministry. But these people then rose up and continued to serve with even greater strength and passion. The message of the preacher to today's pastors and leaders was the following:
"The most important thing is not to give up! Do not abandon yourself! And do not stop helping other people! Do you feel weak? God is going to use you anyway! I appeal to every pastor and leader: if you feel you have failed your case, you fell or did something the way you shouldn’t, pray, tell it to God - and rise up!"
Pastor Tommy Barnett shared the wisdom from the depth of his heart that he had been gaining over the decades. Here are a few quotes from his sermon:
"What made me keep on moving when I felt tired or disappointed? Not some good intentions or lofty goals... My calling was the thing which did not let me give up my ministry! Your calling only will keep you on the path and give you strength to go on!"
"Do not abandon yourself, even if you did something terrible! There is a "God's will of second-hand" for you - your second chance! Even if there are only broken pots around you now, remember, God always used the same people as you are!"
"There is a miracle in this God's house! Perhaps, there is a future Billy Graham or Mother Teresa here... God's anointing destroys any yoke and moves you further!"
At the end of the meeting, Henry Madava, Senior Pastor of the Victory Christian Church reminded believers to not try to look beautiful, hiding the imperfections "in a can, otherwise it may just explode once". Such people cannot go far and be strong. Pastor Henry prayed that Christians would bring their transgressions and imperfections to the light of God, be sincere and become real!
If you missed this ministry - be sure to get the record to encourage yourself and never give up!
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